
Monday, August 5, 2013

dog christina

I was watching The Crowd and got all excited by the intertitles and wanted to make a comic that used them. 

I made one called Dog Christina about an anthropomorphic dog called Dog Christina who's a functional depressive. She gets through life like anyone else but she's ultimately ruled by her obsession over 'the exit strategy,' so while she sees and experiences everything that life has to offer, she's sort of a walking corpse caught up in a perverse solipsistic nihilism that prevents her from feeling in any genuine or empathetic way.

I was unsure about the intertitles I made except for the ones in the example below. After talking to my friend Nick I'm going to go through and change the type to Bellerose, give them all bigger margins, do budget framing ornaments, and try to degrade the text through glows.

The way the titles look now is beautiful. There'll be a way to make these look the same or similarly aged and fucked up.

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